Back pain can be one of the most limiting types of pain. Here is a look at some of the common causes of back pain.
Herniated Discs
Herniated discs can occur for several different reasons, but they are most often relative to some form of stress on the spinal column. Discs are layers of tissue filled with fluid that are seated between each vertebrate, and herniation pushes these discs outward into the areas that surround the spine.
Nerve Compression
Nerve compression is a simple phrase used to describe nerves that are being unduly compressed because of an issue with the spine. Even though a herniated disc technically causes pain due to the herniation, the pain is most likely stemming from the disc bulging against the nerves, and there are many other spinal problems that can cause the same issue.
If you look at the structure of the spine, you will see a series of bones that are basically jointed together. Arthritis can cause problems in these joints just the same as the condition can cause inflammation in others. Arthritic spinal pain can be extremely uncomfortable, and it is often treated with anti-inflammatory medications or pain management medications.
Osteoporosis affects all of the bone structures in the body, including the spinal column. This disease, which is often age-related, can result in the breakdown of vertebrae; they can become more porous. Osteoporosis-related spine problems can cause stress on the nerves and muscles that support the spine because they try to compensate for the weakness of the bones.
Spinal Deformities
Spinal deformities can be congenital or present at birth or they can occur as you grow and age. Deformities can be in many different forms. For example, scoliosis is a deformity that often develops as you grow and results in unnatural curvature of the spine. Deformities do not always result in pain, but they definitely can. Unfortunately, pain caused by a spinal deformity can sometimes be hard to correct, but it can also depend on the nature of the deformity.
Spinal Injuries
Spinal injuries are most often the result of a traumatic event such as a car accident or a fall. However, they can also stem from weakened spinal vertebrae due to other illnesses or diseases. Spinal injuries can definitely lead to a lot of back pain. For example, if you have crushed vertebrae, it can put undue stress on the surrounding nerves and muscles that will result in a lot of discomfort.
For help with spinal pain treatment, visit a medical professional in your area.