If you've been searching for the ultimate anti-aging concoction and aren't yet ready for plastic surgery or injectables like Botox and fillers, you may wonder whether a cream containing hormones can help you turn back the clock. Some creams containing a synthetic version of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), the adrenal hormone that helps your body produce testosterone and estrogen, have shown some promise. But is DHEA cream right for everyone?
What Does DHEA Hormone Cream Do?
- If you need to transport a loved one to a medical facility that is outside your town or city, then you may have the option of using an air ambulance. There are many different types of transportation services available, which means that you will need to look at each one closely to determine who offers the best transportation for your needs. There are a few essential things to ask about, so keep reading to learn what they are.
- Although the coronavirus is what's on almost everyone's minds right now, the flu is still out there. And unfortunately, even if you got the flu vaccine, this year's has been shown to not be very effective against the strain of flu that's actually going around. So it's possible you could still contract the flu even if you've taken steps against it. But what is there to be done about it? Once you have the flu, you just have to ride it out, right?
- One of the most common lung diseases that could affect your infant is bronchiolitis. This disease can make your child uncomfortable. Fortunately, it is not a serious problem for most babies and may resolve itself with proper home care. Here is more information about bronchiolitis, its causes, and signs that your child needs to see a doctor. What is the Difference Between Bronchiolitis and Bronchitis? Bronchiolitis affects the smallest airways in the lungs, the bronchioles.
- Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a disease of the skin that is characterized by red, irritated, inflamed, and itchy skin. It often occurs during childhood but can begin at any age. Atopic dermatitis can be hereditary, may be caused by certain food allergies, and could also be triggered by the environment a person spends the most time in. This skin disease commonly gets worse and has flare-ups at different times.